How To Accelerate Android App Development With NoxPlayer?

Zujaj Misbah Khan
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readMay 8, 2022


A Guide Towards a lightweight Android Emulator to develop your apps smoothly!

Accelerate Android App Development With NoxPlayer.
Accelerate Android App Development With NoxPlayer


As a mobile developer, you always want to keep your laptop machine fit and updated. No matter how much RAM or Hard Disk you increase, there comes a time when the Android Emulator slows down the system performance by freezing all the working processes.

Imagine the embarrassment you would feel in such a condition, presenting your work before your seniors.


It might be the right time you want to try out NoxPlayer¹, a lightweight Android Emulator. Below are some advantages you would receive after switching to Nox.

Root Level Acess

Navigation To The Root Level Access Settings.
Navigation To The Root Level Access Settings.

Open the NoxPlayer after a successful installation, click the ⚙️settings icon️ , and enable the Root option. It allows you a root-level access to explore the hidden directories and perform operations that you want to test as a superuser.

Manage & Synchronize Multiple Emulator Instances

Manage Multiple Emulator Instances Using the Multi-Drive Manager.
Manage Multiple Emulator Instances Using the Multi-Drive Manager.

Using the Multi-Drive Manager, you can create multiple instances of the emulator. Click on the Add emulator button and select the Android version based on your requirements.

Navigation To The Sync Settings.
Navigation To The Sync Option.

That’s not all! You can also synchronize² operations; once the mouse moves in a single instance, the same action would perform amongst all the emulator instances.

Enable FPS With Just A Click

Navigation To The “Show FPS” option.
Navigation To The “Show FPS” option.

Most developers prefer to examine the app animations by enabling the Frame Per Second option. It helps them to optimize the source code during the development phase.

Navigation To The Frame Setting Slider From The Gaming Tab.
Navigation To The Frame Setting Slider From The Gaming Tab.

Open the System Settings, select the Gaming tab and play around with the Frame settings by adjusting the slider according to the needs.

Change Default Device Settings

Don’t like the default interface, why not change the device settings? Navigate to the Device tab and select your favorite mobile phone model.

Navigation To The Device Settings.
Navigation To The Device Settings.

If you think the emulator is taking too much memory, tweak the performance settings. Choose your preferred Resolution Settings to switch from the default screen size.

Performance Settings in NoxPlayer.
Performance Settings in NoxPlayer.

Simulate Mobile GPS

You can move your current virtual location by entering the place name or defining the Latitude & Longitude values. To access the location settings, click on the location icon. Another surprising feature is that you can switch between Google and Baidu Maps.

Navigation To The Location Settings.
Navigation To The Location Settings.

Screen Capture & Video Recording

The NoxPlayer allows you to record and save screenshots of your apps using the “PrintScrn” and “Video Recorder” features.

Navigation To The PrintScrn and Video Recorder Option.
Navigation To The PrintScrn and Video Recorder Option.

Play Around With Gestures & Orientation

Most of the time, it is necessary to examine the user experience once the orientation of the app changes. Nox provides the “Rotate” feature to swap between landscape and portrait mode.

Demonstration of Gestures & Orientation in NoxPlayer.
Demonstration of Gestures & Orientation in NoxPlayer.

Backup & Restore Data

Do you want to run multiple copies of the same emulator instance? Just open up the Multi-Drive Manager and select the Copy option.

Creating Multiple Copies of the Emulator Instance.
Creating Multiple Copies of the Emulator Instance.

You can also move your data using the backup and restore³ feature.

Backup Data in Nox Player.
Backup Data in Nox Player.


Enough chit-chat; let’s get to the point. For this tutorial, you’ll need the below software installed.

  1. After a successful installation, open the Nox Player and enable “USB Debugging⁴.”
Navigation To The USB Debugging Option in Android.
Navigation To The USB Debugging Option in Android.

2. Afterwards, close the NoxPlayer & navigate to C:\Program Files\Nox\bin and move the nox_adb.exe file to your desktop (just for the sake of backup).

3. From C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools copy the adb.exe file, paste it in C:\Program Files\Nox\bin and rename it to nox_adb.exe

4. Run the Nox Emulator, and voila, you’ll see the emulated device in the VSCode status bar.

Successful Connection of Nox Emulated Device In VSCode.
Successful Connection of Nox Emulated Device In VSCode.

Try the below commands in the terminal in case you lose connection.

  1. adb kill-server- Kills the Android Debug Bridge process.
  2. adb start-server- Initializes the Android Debug Bridge process.
  3. adb connect Connects with NoxPlayer.


I hope you enjoyed this lighter approach to developing android apps. If you liked this article, feel free to clap it fifty times.


[1]: NoxPlayer — Fastest and Smoothest Android Emulator for PC & Mac

[2]:Synchronize the Operations | NoxPlayer FAQ

[3]: How to backup and restore your data in Nox App Player

[4]: Enabling USB Debugging |



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